The last thing on your mind when you leave your home for work, school, and other errands is to get involved in a car accident. Unfortunately, accidents do happen and are more common than you might think.
According to the Arizona DOT, 121,345 car crashes got reported in 2021, with 51,633 leading to injuries such as scoliosis. You’re probably wondering what scoliosis is, whether it can result from an accident, and your options if you’re in a crash and consequently suffer the condition.
Well, here’s what you need to know:
What is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is a physiological condition that causes the spine to have a sideways curve similar to the letter C or S. It is caused by various factors. Some are born with it, while others develop it during their childhood. Sudden impact and spinal injuries can also cause this condition. Although most cases are mild, scoliosis can leave you in constant pain and hamper your mobility, thus impacting your quality of life.
The pain that those with scoliosis experience results from the irregular bending of your spine, which makes it press against vital organs along the spinal column. It leaves you at a high risk of lung damage, heart damage, chronic back pain, and other life-altering conditions.
How a Car Crash Can Cause Scoliosis
Car crashes often have considerable blunt force trauma. Suppose another motorist rear-ends you while driving at high speed. The consequent impact can cause your back, neck, and head to whip forward violently.
Although the spinal discs act as natural shock absorbers, they cannot withstand the extreme force a rear-end crash can cause. This may force them to become, bulge, or fracture the vertebrae.
Such injuries often cause the tissues in and around the spinal cord to degenerate, causing the spine to bend. You can also experience correlated conditions such as arthritis, mobility difficulties, and damage to internal organs.
If you have scoliosis, but you’ve never experienced any of its symptoms, a violent crash can aggravate it. Whether you didn’t have scoliosis before a car accident or the crash aggravated it, you can hold the reckless driver responsible for your injury and file for compensation. Seek advice from an experienced car accident attorney today.
Why You Should Seek Compensation for Accident-Related Scoliosis
Spinal injuries, including scoliosis, are difficult to treat. You might not be able to do any strenuous activity, causing you to miss out on work and lose income. Treating back injuries is also expensive if they cause further damage to body organs.
In such instances, specialized treatment and care become necessary. The compensation you receive can help cover your medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.
How to Recover Your Damages
The person responsible for the car crash and the consequent injuries should compensate you. However, getting compensated for scoliosis caused or aggravated by a car crash isn’t always easy.
80% of scoliosis cases are idiopathic, so their cause is unknown. The at-fault party may argue that your condition didn’t result from the crash they caused, but other factors. For this reason, you need to prove that your scoliosis resulted from the accident.
Seeking immediate medical attention after a car crash is advisable and helps increase your chances of getting compensated. Medical records can help prove that the car crash caused your scoliosis. Juries often need definitive proof from physicians that the accident caused your scoliosis.
A car accident lawyer can guide you through the complex process and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Insurance companies tend to drag their feet over paying out personal injury claims or insist that your condition is unrelated to the accident. Therefore, it’s best to have a skilled personal injury attorney to help prove your claim and ensure you get compensated.
Getting Help for Accident-Related Scoliosis
Injuries caused by car accidents tend to have long-term impacts. Back injuries, in particular, can turn your life upside down. Reliable Car accident lawyers are committed to helping car crash victims to recover compensation and resume their lives.
Insurance companies always try to avoid liability, so you need someone who can take them head-on. These lawyers prepare each compensation claim for trial and your best bet in recovering your damages. If you’ve suffered scoliosis after a car crash, schedule a free case review with a personal injury lawyer today to recover damages.
Accident-Related Scoliosis FAQs
What damages can I recover?
Recoverable damages after a car accident include loss of wages, medical expenses, expected treatment costs, pain and suffering, and reduced earning capacity.
What’s the statute of limitations for car accidents?
You must file your compensation claim within two years from the date of the accident. Your claim will be thrown out if it’s filed beyond this timeframe.
Do I need an attorney to file a compensation claim?
You don’t need an attorney to file a compensation claim, but their presence adds weight to your claim. They can deal with the paperwork, negotiate on your behalf, and represent you in court.